This is the story of Joseph Harris ( When he was a young teen he got involved with stealing video…
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117: Daniel the Paladin
Daniel Kelley ( was equal parts mischievousness and clever when it came to computers. Until the day his mischief overtook…
116: Mad Dog
Jim Lawler, aka “Mad Dog”, was a CIA case officer for 25 years. In this episode we hear some of…
115: Player Cheater Developer Spy
Some video game players buy cheats to win. Let’s take a look at this game cheating industry to see who…
114: HD
HD Moore ( invented a hacking tool called Metasploit. He crammed it with tons of exploits and payloads that can…
113: Adam
Adam got a job doing IT work at a learning academy. He liked it and was happy there and feeling…
112: Dirty Coms
This episode we talk with a guy named “Drew” who gives us a rare peek into what some of the…
111: ZeuS
ZeuS is a banking trojan. Designed to steal money from online bank user’s accounts. This trojan became so big, that…
110: Spam Botnets
This episode tells the stories of some of the worlds biggest spamming botnets. We’ll talk about the botnets Rustock, Waledac,…
109: TeaMp0isoN
TeaMp0isoN was a hacking group that was founded by TriCk and MLT ( They were responsible for some high profile…