To Radiofonaki

The Radio”, a musical journey without end

In the 70s and 80s electronic media consisted exclusively of television and radio. There was no live TV coverage, pay channels and internet!

The internet that provides this immediacy of information today would be an ideal scenario in a science fiction movie.

The years may have passed, technology with its huge leaps forward has brought into our lives a super-offer of analogue and digital media that provide enormous possibilities for individual entertainment and information to the extent that their proper consumption is a daily race. In this context and as was natural, Radio lost its glamour along the way, but it still stands up despite the adversity, modernizes, is authentic, friendly and conveys to us, as only it can, the magic of sound. We are simply called to open the door to him and love him. “To Radiofonakibroadcasts through the internet and is a music entertainment station.

Every time you listen to music throughThe Radio”, you travel, dream, remember, feelIn a word, you live! Welcome to our company
